China Informed: a news service focused on China, Taiwan and Hong Kong

| Current edition | Previous edition | News Index | Contents |

---"Focused Coverage Informed Perspectives"---


Current News: The latest editions of China Informed are posted to the current news and recent news pages. Set a bookmark or two for them.

News Index: Current and past editions of China Informed are located in our news archive. Headlines are conveniently placed in descending chronological order for easy reference to the main stories for that day. The archive is searchable.


Mail: Information and guidelines for submitting letters to the editor can be found here. When we publish letters, they will be included in that day's edition of the paper.

PGP: China Informed's public PGP key and information about the PGP encryption system can be found here. Readers who would prefer to ensure the privacy of their correspondence with us should use this key.

Site Info: Information on China Informed and how it is published may be found here.

New: A history of China Informed from its founding in February 1997 to the present is detailed here.

Front door: It's geared for new readers, but you may want to check for changes once in a while.

Current issue
Previous issue
News Index

China Informed

a news service focused on China, Taiwan and Hong Kong
©1997 Matthew Sinclair-Day